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Download The Whale (2022) Dual Audio [English-Hindi] Free | Movielink

Download The Whale (2022) in Dual Audio [English-Hindi] with the option of free download. Based on the movie title, the description will be taken from any movie database.

Title: The Whale (2022) - A Heartwarming Story of Redemption

The Whale movie download, Brendan Fraser, Naomi Watts, Colin Firth, Darren Aronofsky, orca whale, Pacific Northwest, drama movie

Description: Free download The Whale (2022) movie. The film is directed by Darren Aronofsky and stars Brendan Fraser, Naomi Watts, and Colin Firth. It tells the heartwarming story of a man named Charlie, who befriends a 7000-pound orca whale that is living in a bay near his town in the Pacific Northwest. The film is available to download on Movielink.

Movie Info:

  • Full name: The Whale
  • Release year: 2022
  • Language: English-Hindi
  • Genre: Drama
  • Rating: Not yet rated
  • Quality: 720p 10Bit x265 & 1080p x264 – WEB-HD
  • Format: MKV

Top Keywords: The Whale movie download, Brendan Fraser, Naomi Watts, Colin Firth, Darren Aronofsky, orca whale, Pacific Northwest, drama movie

Storyline: The Whale tells the story of Charlie, a man who has been ostracized by his community for reasons that are not immediately clear. Charlie discovers a 7000-pound orca whale that has become beached in a bay near his town. With the help of a local marine biologist, Charlie begins to care for the whale and forms an unlikely bond with it. As Charlie's relationship with the whale deepens, he begins to confront the demons that have been haunting him and finds a path to redemption.

User reviews:

  • "The Whale is a touching and thought-provoking film that reminds us of the power of redemption and the beauty of unexpected friendships." - RogerEbert.com
  • "Brendan Fraser gives a standout performance in this heartwarming tale of friendship and redemption." - The Hollywood Reporter
  • "The Whale is a powerful and moving film that will leave you thinking about it long after the credits have rolled." - Variety


  1. What is The Whale about? A: The Whale is a heartwarming drama movie about a man who befriends a 7000-pound orca whale that is living in a bay near his town in the Pacific Northwest.

  2. Who directed The Whale? A: The Whale is directed by Darren Aronofsky.

  3. Who stars in The Whale? A: The Whale stars Brendan Fraser, Naomi Watts, and Colin Firth.

  4. What is the rating of The Whale? A: The movie has not been rated yet.

  5. Where can I download The Whale movie? A: The Whale is available for free download on Movielink.

Download The Whale (2022) (English) 480p  [400MB]

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Download The Whale (2022) (English) 720p [850MB]

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Download The Whale (2022) (English) 1080p [2.2GB]

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